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Hi! My name is Catherine.

I'm a Software Engineer based in Montreal, Canada. I recently built River. River is a drop-in real-time service for web applications. It's cloud-native, easy to deploy, and ready to scale. If you want to learn more, have a look at our case study. I currently work at Shopify.

Click the arrow below for contact information and my recent projects.

I love meeting new people. Let's Talk.

More About Me

I enjoy solving real-world problems using the best tools to get the job done. I thrive in a collaborative environment.

I have multiple years of experience in both the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems. These days I'm building data pipelines in Scala and Python.

TL;DR bring it on! I love figuring things out.

Contact Info:

picture of me

Recent Projects


River is a drop-in real-time service for web applications. It provides an easy-to-deploy and ready-to-scale solution for existing applications with real-time needs.

For the application developer, River abstracts away the complexity of setting up a resilient infrastructure and removes the hassle of managing WebSocket connections. It allows backend services to publish events and makes these events available to web clients in real-time.

Read more about the project: Case Study

Try it out: River

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